Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, As the reds go marching on on on!
Just like the busby babes in days gone by, We'll keep the red flags flying high, Your gonna see us all from far and wide, Your gonna hear the masses sing with pride.
United, Man united, We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wembley!
Wembley, Wembley, We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three And everyone will no just who we are, They'll be singing que sera sera
United, Man united, We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wembley!
Wembley, Wembley, We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley
Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, As the reds go marching on on on!
Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, As the reds go marching on on on!
Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, As the reds go marching on on on!
B**I btol la !!!...ko pnye psl la ni lucius gi gne ayah pin watpe..kalo si jannah tu dh wt prediction abis la..mane leh celen prediction ayah pin yg gune gelang bentley ac misial ngan ipad die bahlol...
aaahhh fan man utd g jalan la korg liverpool kalah korg nganjing liverpool menang baru nk ngaku sedara SEMERAH!! bapak tk malu nye korg.. shuh shuh~~ jgn smpi man utd plak yg kene woof woof
x penah ngaku pun sedare semerah dengan liverpool.. org yg paling tak malu ialah org yg masuk komen time menang je.. time nazak atau kalah menyorok dalam selimut sebab pembakaran besar-besaran sedang berlaku..
aku ishtiharkan hari menganjing chelsea bermula arinih hinggaaaaa.......hingga libepul kalah balik..aku kecewe gile nih..rase lagi hine dari blackpool yg menang kat anfield ari tuh..shit ! 2nd half da ok dah, tapi kalau baru nak men gitu time da kene 2 bijik memang lambat la bro..and why the fuck drogba kat luar pulak mase 1st half..adeyh..
62 Ulasan:
haha..sgt klasemen..terlmbt gua..mari memuji liverpool
haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof haaa haaa woof woooof
nasib baik la tak 3...heh...cmon redmen..esok pakat ramai2 pergi opis pakai jersi..wakakaka!
Graeme Le Soux? Saper tuh? Watak dalam Lord of The Ring ker?
Well done Torres...
Torres 2 - Bunch of Blueshite Morons 0
hahha...cepat gile up.minggu ni kira minggu bebas menganjing la...
Wei Obi... mana tagging dicuri dari sokernet kat baju???
torres 2 - 0 celski.
lucas > remires.
ayat klise "masih klasemen" dah ke udara...
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
As the reds go marching on on on!
Just like the busby babes in days gone by,
We'll keep the red flags flying high,
Your gonna see us all from far and wide,
Your gonna hear the masses sing with pride.
United, Man united,
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wembley!
Wembley, Wembley,
We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley,
Wembley, Wembley,
We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will no just who we are,
They'll be singing que sera sera
United, Man united,
We're the boys in red and we're on our way to Wembley!
Wembley, Wembley,
We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley,
Wembley, Wembley,
We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wembley
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
As the reds go marching on on on!
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
As the reds go marching on on on!
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
As the reds go marching on on on!
woof! woof!
ni apa pantek keluar lagu man u. rasa cam nak delete je. dalam thread tadi dah la.
nampak sangat penyokong Man U bingai
Stupid Manure fans...kakakaka
lepas ni mesti ada entri bla bla we're still on top bla bla liverpool kecoh menang 1 game habis 1 dunia bla bla bla
well, we dont give a feck
we beat chelshit fair and square
p/s - tak sabar nak tunggu entry miss lucy
B**I btol la !!!...ko pnye psl la ni lucius gi gne ayah pin watpe..kalo si jannah tu dh wt prediction abis la..mane leh celen prediction ayah pin yg gune gelang bentley ac misial ngan ipad die bahlol...
bile liverpool menang, baru ramai fans die datang komen. kahkahkah.
fans liverpool time menang je ke woi!
btw, brader jarr tidak termasuk dalam statement diatas ye.. he's a true liverpudlians..
panas tu dany
tikaman menusuk jiwa bagai pedang democles!
kan dah kalah. good game liverpool. you have to credit them
@Pjoe :Rileks blog parodi bolasepak, standard la macam tuh...
Arsenal kalah, gua tak pergi kerja esok...sial...
obe: fan man u kebanyakannye scumster, hanya sedikit yg diehardfan
Well done el nino, with powerhouse leads the team
You'll Never Walk Alone
obe: haha.. thats a fact right?
kahkahkah..minggu ni takleh menganjing wey..x bestla!!!!!
nak menganjing chelsea takleh plak,obe mrh...kekeke..:D
@seiichirosano :buto apa ko nyanyi lagu M.U ,lagu paling annoying dlm dunia kot.
memaki jersey Man U yang mughallazah..memaki atau memakai??????
haha..mmg shit kat sni pn ade lgu mu
meroyan habis
Lagu plg annoying thomas? Eh hello, tu lagu plg popular kot..
Chelsea bkn bgs sgt pn.
Eh penatlah nk ckp psl game mlm ni.
Tibe2 fans liver ramai plak malam nih...
sebelom ni g mane?
aiseh dany... biasalah.. menang mesti la meraikan. kalah, buat apa bising2 macam fan manure. keh keh keh...
apa pun, chelsea memang tetap aisehmen..... heheh
walaupon aku bukan penyokong liverpool nor chelsi... aku respet permainan mereka malam ni... bapak kencang... iiniii baru fooottballl.....
ps: credit to Kuyt..tanpa Kuyt sukar Torres nk merobek 1st goal....
baru la gua percaya yg lucas tu asal dari brazil...
eh, Arsenal kalah x de org nak cter ke?
menang ke, kalah ke, gua tetap ada.. hehe..
pendek kata
chlesea ni memang pendengki
arsenal kalah
dorg pun nak kalah jugak
memang sehati sejiwa
okek next game,
liver akan kalah !!
Tepuk amai-amai
Belalang kupu-kupu
Torres jangan nangis
Drogba beli susu
Susu lemak manis
Santan kelapa muda
Chelsea dapat telur
Chelsea masih klasemen
Anjing2 yang selalu kutuk Liverpool kurang hari ni,,,
ak ade jmpe group kat fb yg nk buat relegation prty untk libepul hujung bln mei thn dpn..
xtau la jd ke x..ak attend je haha
maknanya lu tak tau lagi la siapa liverpool kalau lu 'attend'. kehkeh
hehee aku nk "Like" komen Farid ni boleh? kekeke
haha..memang ramai fan liverfool menyalak time ni... teruskan, bile lagi kan
Tahniah Liverpool.
bkn nye xtau...
gue sje nk bakar roomate gua
geng2 libepol besorak abes la mlm ni
perghh. time2 ni ramai je fan liverpool yang mengomen. time kalah, sikit je yang berani masuk. YAWN habiss.
aaahhh fan man utd
g jalan la korg
liverpool kalah korg nganjing
liverpool menang baru nk ngaku sedara SEMERAH!!
bapak tk malu nye korg..
shuh shuh~~
jgn smpi man utd plak yg kene woof woof
x penah ngaku pun sedare semerah dengan liverpool.. org yg paling tak malu ialah org yg masuk komen time menang je.. time nazak atau kalah menyorok dalam selimut sebab pembakaran besar-besaran sedang berlaku..
bukan fans liverpool je mnyalak. manure pun skali menyalak.
thread arsenal kalah xde, jdi gua join sini kutuk sket-sket. Kasi meriah. Kekekke..
Seiichirosano, kau memang menggelabah.
baru la liverpool merasa top10..
kalau tak ceruk nun kat bawah..
inilah bolasepak..yes..
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
Glory glory Man united,
As the reds go marching on on on!
cukuplah nyanyi intro dia je, kang tak pasal-pasal disunat obe, hehe
apa-apapun, rekod tanpa kalah a.k.a unbeaten masih lagi MANCHESTER UNITED, hahahahaha :D
*terlebih banyak minum todi malam tadi*
aku ishtiharkan hari menganjing chelsea bermula arinih hinggaaaaa.......hingga libepul kalah balik..aku kecewe gile nih..rase lagi hine dari blackpool yg menang kat anfield ari tuh..shit !
2nd half da ok dah, tapi kalau baru nak men gitu time da kene 2 bijik memang lambat la bro..and why the fuck drogba kat luar pulak mase 1st half..adeyh..
dogbra letih, baru habis beraya Deepavali kat kampung, tu yang rest jap first half. kalou lak tak dapat beraya sebab tiket flight habis
Sebelom ni fan liv kena nganjeng...skrg dah menang..mai datang nak menganjeng plk la..nak2 lg nak nganjeng si lucial tu....
*pembakaran sehat telah meletus..peace..>V<
Kah kah kah!
"Standard Kampung"
di mana lagi mau menang, kalau bukan di kampung sendiri,
kata mereke-mereka
ala brader2 sekalian,kasi chance la utk fans liverpool bersorak.asyik2 kene bahan je kat sokernet.tak best la mcm nie.hehe!
@yui: arsenal boleh la plak kalah kat kampung sendiri.
dippers is rising...
KRAP...keep roy at pool..
dorg bajet xyah nk main siyes sgt kot ngn liv sbb tu abg gelap drog x kua mule2. alaaa, main ngn budak2 je dorg ckp. hahaha~
There were 11 heroes in red and not far short of the same number of headless chickens in blue.
-ciplak dari The Matahari...hehe...
thomas : ha ha ha
takpela nak wat cane
dorang tak "standard kampung" kot
leberpool menang ke kalah ke tetap cap ayam... keh keh...
Hidup Fulham!!!
Dari hari tu aku tertanya tanya..klasemen tu apa?
dan dan dany buat statement macam mmg ngadap sokernet 24 jam ek?
klasemen tu top la
tu bahasa ind
Catat Ulasan